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WordPress Practicals

Master WordPress By doing practicals

Practical test-1

Woocommerce / WordPress Task
1. Setup wordpress in your local and install woocommerce plugin in the wp setup
2. Add 10 dummy products with image from backend.
3. Create a custom page called 'Products'
4. On this page , you need to display the following list of products via custom code (don't use any plugin)
- Display 3 featured products at top
- Display 6 products after featured products with combination of popular products + pricing high
to low
- Display 2 categories named as (1. New , 2. Old)
5. Add custom ajax filter dropdown at the top of the page and add 2 optinos under it
- 1. Default (this will show the default page we created same as the above)
- 2. Add 'Show only Popular products' option
- 3. Add 'Show only featured products' option
- 4. Add 'Show only categories' option
6. On add to cart option , all the products should go directly to checkout page.
7. Once you done with the task , upload the code with database in git and send us a git link here.

Practical test-2

Practical Test task (2:30 Hours)
Back-end :
- Create a plugin Portfolio
- Create a Custom Post Type (Portfolio) with Custom Taxonomy (portfolio cat)
- Custom Post Type contain 2 custom field
1) Image upload
2) Text
- Create short-code with following parameter
- Post Display limit
- Post feature image display (true/false)

Front-end :
- Display by-default 5 post with featured image and title.
- When click on title or feature image open popup and display post related content
- Post title
- Post Content
- Post custom field data (Image and Text)

Plus point : (If you want to add this points then take 30 min additional)
- Add pagination parameter true/false (if true then display pagination)
- Create load-more post pagination functionality from front-end (Ajax-base)

Practical test-3

1) Create a Developer Post type with below mentioned fields
• Developer member name, Description, image
- Developer member email id (Check duplicate email before created team)
-Developer member type (Custom new taxonomy)

2) Make one taxonomy with name Developer type (WordPress, PHP,etc)
(A) Creale a form shortcode as per mention below image Mockup & submit form teams member post with ajax method (without reload page). list will be displayed below the form section. (using query check validation and required all fields before submit form.)


Practical test-4

  1. Create a custom post-type name product.
  2. Add create taxonomies for colors, sizes, and categories to the product.
  3. List all the products on the front end.
  4. In the sidebar display all these options with a checkbox.
  5. E.g., Colours: Blue, Red, Green. Size: S, M, L, XL.
  6. After selecting the checkbox, there should be a button called "Filter".Filter all the products using AJAX (without a plugin).
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